Current Course Offerings
ANT 327 Ideas of Global Justice: Human Rights in Latin America
ANT 373 Olmec to Inca: Indigenous States of the Americas
HST 108 A Americas and the World
HST 108 B Americas and the World
HST 108 C Americas and the World
HST 108 D Americas and the World
HST 108 E Americas and the World
HST 108 F Americas and the World
HST 108 G Americas and the World
HST 284 Colonial Latin America
MSC 104 Music of Latin America
PHI 239 Latin American & Latinx Philosophy
SOC 356 Sociology of Immigration
SPA 310 A Anecdotes, Bestsellers, Cuentos. The ABCs of Storytelling in the Spanish-Speaking World
SPA 313 A Lights, Camera, Acción!. Cinema and Culture in the Spanish-Speaking World
SPA 317 A Mil máscaras/A Thousand Masks: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Mexico and Central America
SPA 318 A The Andes to Patagonia: Interdisciplinary Approaches to South American Culture
SPA 369 A Special Topics- Unlearning Gender: Sexuality and Transgression in Mexican Cinema
ART 104 Art & Architecture Across the Americas, Nikki Moore
ECN 358 Economic Growth and Development 3
HST 108 Americas and the World 3
HST 275 Modern Latin America, Yarfitz 3
LAS 210 Introduction to Latin American Studies, Hernandez-Huerta 3
POL 242A Topics in Comparative Politics (if related to Latin America): Intro to Latin American Studies, Hernandez-Huerta 3
SPA 309 Grammar and Composition, Alarcón
SPA 309L Grammar and Composition for Heritage Speakers of Spanish 4 SPA 312 Page, Stage, and Performance. Theater and Drama of the Spanish-Speaking World 3
SPA 313 Lights, Camera, ¡Acción!. Cinema and Culture in the Spanish-Speaking World 3
SPA 316 Paradise in Perspective: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Wider Caribbean 3
SPA 316B Art, Literature, Performance, and Film: Cultural Politics in the Caribbean and the Diaspora, Linda Howe
SPA 319 Literary and Cultural Studies of Spanish America 3
SPA 322 Spanish Pronunciation and Dialect Variation 3
SPA 327 Spanish for Business II 3
SPA 343 Travel Literature, Margaret Ewalt 1.5-3
SPA 356 Transgressing Borders: Identity in Latin-American and U.S. Latino Cultures, Linda Howe 3
SPA 357 Spanish American Short Story 3
ANT 360-A. Anthropology of Global Health, Folmar
ECN 351-A. International Trade, Dalton
ECN 352-A. International Finance, Rotarescu
ECN 358-A. Economic Growth and Development
HST 108-A/B. Americas and the World, Coates
HST 108-C. Americas and the World, Blee
HST 108-D/E/F. Americas and the World
HST 359-A. Prostitutes, Machos, and Travestis: Sex and Gender in Latin American History, Yarfitz
MSC 104-A. Music of Latin America, Sartor
POL 236-A. Government and Politics in Latin America, Hernández-Huerta
POL 257-A. Politics of International Development, Benabdallah
SOC 356-A. Sociology of Immigration, Wahl
SPA 309-A. Grammar and Composition, Alarcón
SPA 309-B. Grammar and Composition, Alarcón
SPA 309-C. Grammar and Composition, Gutiérrez Miguel
SPA 311-A. Bard, Ballad, Bolero. Poetry, and Song in the Spanish-Speaking World, Howe
SPA 312-A. Page, Stage, and Performance. Theater and Drama of the Spanish-Speaking World, Albrecht
SPA 317-A. Mil máscaras/ A Thousand Masks: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Mexico and Central America, Shade Venegas
SPA 317-B. Mil máscaras/ A Thousand Masks: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Mexico and Central America, Ordóñez Robles
SPA 318-A. The Andes to Patagonia: Interdisciplinary Approaches to South American Culture, Ewalt
ECN 351 B. International Trade, Dalton
ECN 352 B. International Finance, Rotarescu
HST 108 A. Americas and the World, Hobson
HST 108 B. Americas and the World, Hobson
HST 108 D. Americas and the World, Ruddiman
HST 275 A. Modern Latin America, Yarfitz
LAS 210 A. Introduction to Latin American and Latino Studies, Hernández-Huerta
MSC 104 A. Music of Latin America, Sartor
POL 210 E. Topics in US Politics: Race, Sports, and Politics, Wilkinson
POL 214 A. Latina/o/x Politics, Wilkinson
POL 242 M. Introduction to Latin American Studies, Hernández-Huerta (crosslisted with LAS 210)
SOC 381 A. Seminar: Feminist Research with Confined Communities, Battle & Gómez Cervantes
SOC 391 A. Top Sem: Global Feminism: Violence, Power and Resistance, Gómez Cervantes
SPA 309 A & B. Grammar and Composition, González
SPA 309 C. Grammar and Composition, Raso-Llarás
SPA 309L A. Grammar and Composition for Heritage Speakers of Spanish, Alarcón
SPA 310 A & B. Anecdotes, Bestsellers, Cuentos: The ABCs of Storytelling in the Spanish-Speaking World, De La Soledad & Miguel-Prendes
SPA 316 A. Paradise in Perspective: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Wider Caribbean, Shade Venegas
SPA 316 B. Paradise in Perspective: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Wider Caribbean, Howe
SPA 322 A. Spanish pronunciation and Dialect Variation, Francom
SPA 325 A. Spanish for Business I, Turner
SPA 369 A. Culture, Community, and Power: Challenging Race and Gender in Mexico and its Diaspora, Ordóñez Robles
SPA 373 A. Language and Society, Alarcón
ANT 385. Special Topics: Indigenous State of the Americas, MacLellan
ECN 351. International Trade, Dalton
HST 108. Americas and the World, Ruddiman
HST 108. Americas and the World, Hobson
HST 284. Latin America’s Colonial Past, Yarfitz
LAS 310. Special Topics in Latin American and Latino Studies, Hernández-Huerta
PHI 239. Latin American & Latinx Philosophy, Gallegos
POL 236. Government and Politics in Latin America, Hernández-Huerta
SPA 309. Grammar and Composition, Burgos
SPA 309. Grammar and Composition, Gutiérrez
SPA 309. Grammar and Composition, Alarcón
SPA 312. Page, Stage, and Performance: Theatre and Drama of the Spanish Speaking World, Sanhueza
SPA 312. Page, Stage, and Performance: Theatre and Drama of the Spanish Speaking World, Albrecht
SPA 317. Distant Neighbors: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Mexico and Central America, Ordoñez Robles
SPA 318. The Andes to Patagonia, Ewalt
SPA 318. The Andes to Patagonia, Calle Poveda
SPA 369. The Influence of Italian Immigration in Argentinean Theater, Sanhueza
HST 108A. Americas and the World
HST 108B. Americas and the World
POL 236. Government and Politics in Latin America
POL 257. Politics of International Development
SPA 309A. Grammar and Composition
SPA 309B. Grammar and Composition
SPA 309C. Grammar and Composition
SPA 311A. Bard, Ballad, Bolero. Poetry, and Song in the Spanish-Speaking World
SPA 317A. Distant Neighbors: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Mexico and Central America
SPA 317A. Distant Neighbors: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Mexico and Central America
SPA 318A. The Andes to Patagonia